• News,  Products

    Smoke Cleansing Ritual

    Smoke Cleansing Ritual Hello! We had requests from some of you on how to use the various smudges and resins that we have in the shop. Here is some information that will help you smudge your space! If you click on the title “Smoke Cleansing Ritual” you can download a PDF of this information. Smoke Cleansing Background Even the happiest spaces accumulate negative energy over time, so it makes sense to cleanse with smoke a few times a year; some even do this weekly! Remember to also cleanse your workspace periodically (preferably not during busy office hours) and use smoke cleansing to clear your own bodily energy or the energy of…

  • News,  Products

    Sages and Smudges List

    Hello all. For those who come to Horsefeathers looking for smudging and sage products, you’ve probably noticed the information sheet we put together that is tied to the sage and smudge rack. The below link is a copy of that document.  Smudge-and-Sage-product-information-sheet Have a great day!